RESI-Blast 25 ml [0,85 oz] to create cell effects and decoration. One-component liquid to be added in drops over the resin when still liquid and coloured in layers to get an incredible effect! RESI-Blast is non-toxic and solvent-free. The product creates a surface dispersion of the resin, resulting in beautiful automatically generated cell structures (check the pictures!) This liquid reacts with epoxy resin, polyester and polyurethane (still liquid), and polymer resins stimulating movement and “blooming ” in concentric outward circles. Add RESI-blast directly into the pigmented resin before pouring it over the surface or let it drip off over the surface immediately after the layering the pigmented resin. Innovative materials in the service of your imagination! Resin, Rubbers, Pigments, FIMO and much more in your home with a simple click!