“JACQUARD PIÑATA” – Transparent Diluent Solvent Liquid – “Clear Extender” 29.5ml


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“Jacquard Piñata” Transparent Solvent Liquid Diluent “Claro e Solventetender ” based on Alcohol 29.57 ml

Here are the 3 small steps to begin with.

  1. Choose a base made of plastic or colored wood,
  2. Put a drop of the Pinata ink,
  3. Add Clean-up Solution Pinata,
  4. Use the hair dryer to get different designs.
  5. Drip the resin on to get the glossy surface!All Pinata colors are available on our website

“Jacquard Piñata” Transparent Solvent Liquid Diluent “Claro e Solventetender ” based on Alcohol 29.57 ml

Alcohol – based product extremely bright color, for smooth surfaces.

Mixing the ink with the Epoxy you can get an explosion of color! Warning: the use of inks in percentages greater than 1% , can damage the mechanical strength of the creation.

To achieve the Explosion effect you need to use WHITE color.


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