
“EPOXYPRIMER” – Universal Water-Based Primer – For Stable & Durable Floors



• “EPOXYPRIMER” – Universal Water-Based Primer – For Stable & Durable Floors.

Universal primer suitable for the most varied surfaces:
✔️ Ceramic tiles
✔️ Floors 
✔️ Screeds
✔️ Concrete
✔️ Wood panels and its derivatives

Water-based film-forming two-component primer, ideal as an anchor bridge for the execution of epoxy resin castings both on floors and on shelves or kitchen countertops. Specifically developed to guarantee a solid anchoring base, in preparation of epoxy resin castings, both artistic and for industrial use.

It does not release substances harmful to human health and therefore toxic free.

Great solution for making initial layer of your epoxy floor, which helps to increase the adhesion of your main layer!

💥About “EPOXYPRIMER” – Universal Water-Based Primer – For Stable & Durable Floors:
Two-component system based on epoxy resins in water emulsion, and therefore free of annoying and unpleasant odors, additive with inorganic structurants suitable for giving maximum performance of resistance, durability and adhesion to the support.
The product” EpoxyPrimer ” by ResinPro can be applied with a roller, brush or spatula with a minimum consumption of 100g/m2 up to 300g/m2 , depending on the condition of the surface on which you are going to apply. The greater the porosity of the initial surface (concrete for example), the greater the quantity required and the dilution ratio can vary from 5% up to 20%. In the case of tiles or other poorly absorbent surfaces, 100g/m2 will be sufficient.

If the surface obtained is not homogeneous, it is advisable to reapply a coat of ” EpoxyPrimer”.

Mixing Ratio: 100:40 by weight
Full curing time: 24/48h at room temperature


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